Friday, 21 September 2012

Celebrating Peace this Weekend

Today is the International Day of Peace a date which has been marked since 1982 as an occasion to celebrate peace.  It is also referred to as ‘Global Truce Day’ as throughout the world, people are asked to suspend conflict and reflect on what is required to build peace.  And it works: according to the UN Department for Safety and Security Peace Day 2008 saw a 70% reduction of violent incidents in Afghanistan. In that country, Peace Day agreements have led to the vaccination against polio of 4.5 million children in recent years.

Following on from International Peace Day, this Sunday is ‘Peacemaking Sunday’.  Churches across the country will explore what it means to be peacemakers in a world of conflict, and how to share the values of the Kingdom in a world of chaos.   The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and United Reformed Church have produced material for a service, including hymns, prayers, reflections and a visual meditation on the many problems that inhibit peace. These materials can be used this Sunday or at another date in the future.  They can all be found on our website: