About Us

Who are we?
The Joint Public Issues Team, created in September 2006, combines the expertise of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church in the area of public issues.
Baptist Union of Great Britain - Faith and Unity
Baptists see that the call of the gospel is to work for freedom, peace and justice, and that this is part of what it means to be a missionary people today.
Working in collaboration with ecumenical agencies and partners, we look to be actively involved in creating a movement for change in our world.
As one of the three key aims of the Faith and Unity Department we facilitate campaigning against poverty and the structures that keep people oppressed.

See www.baptist.org.uk/resources/social_political.html
Methodist Church - Public Issues
Methodists have had a longstanding engagement with social issues that stretches back to the time of John and Charles Wesley.
Public Issues - formerly part of the Division of Social Responsibility - is the section of the Connexional Team that works in the areas of Parliamentary and Political Affairs, International Affairs and Business and Economic Affairs. Public Issues is connected to the Co-ordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social Justice.

See www.methodist.org.uk/publicissues
United Reformed Church - Church and Society
The United Reformed Church has a Church and Society agenda, because it believes that the gospel challenges the way we live, both as society and as individuals.
Church and Society seeks to raise awareness, share information and encourage reflection and action in local churches. It also represents concerns to government, and others with power over the lives of the people.
